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The Black Curtain Studio newsletter - Apr, 2015.

At a glance

Thanks for reading the 2nd Black Curtain Studio newsletter. As you probably know by now, One Late Night: Deadline was released just before Christmas 2014. Since then numerous patches has been released and just recently the first major content update came out. This update, version 1.1, provided many new features and enhancements that you can now enjoy on Steam and Desura and has so far been well received by players.

A horror theme game bundle featuring One Late Night: Deadline is planned for late April/early May.

Two new projects are currently in early development; a turn-based strategy game and a whole new horror game IP.

Lastly, don't forget to check out our new stress relieving game "MannerSlap" on Google Play.


One Late Night: Deadline

The new content update version 1.1 was released in mid-March on Steam and Desura and features many new features and enhancements to the overall game experience. The features include difficulty settings, objective markers, improved objective descriptions, multiple objective bars and support for generic game controllers as well as XBOX 360 controllers. There have also been many bug fixes included in the update.

A walkthrough video featuring the "bad" game ending was just uploaded on YouTube, showcasing the new content update. Be sure to take a look if you are still undecided whether to buy the game.

Watch the video

Game bundles

At the end of April, One Late Night: Deadline will be featured in a bundle from IndieGala. This will be a horror themed bundle, so if you are into horror games you should definitely check that out. This bundle is planned to run between April 27 to May 3, 2015.

To IndieGala



In case you’ve missed it, some time ago I released a new app on Google Play called “MannerSlap”. It’s a small but fun and quirky game where the goal is to slap people to relieve stress. All the characters are drawn by hand and feature some hilarious stereotypes that you may have happened to come across in your daily life. Well, now you have a chance to take your frustration out on them in a non-destructive fashion, all accompanied by hilarious sound effects to lighten the mood.

To Google Play


Ongoing and future projects

Currently I am working on a new game that hugely differs from the horror game genre and is a much smaller scaled project. This game is of the turn-based strategy genre and will primarily be released for mobile devices, but I have also been looking into console distribution like OUYA. The game style focuses on quick and easy "pick-up-and-play" style where you can easily pick the game up and play without investing a whole lot of time learning the game. More details will be revealed later when the game has reached a bit more mature stage. For now you can have a sneak peak from the header image above.

A second project is also about to materialize that is currently in outlining-phase. This will be a whole new horror game IP that I've wanted to realize for a long time with many different elements never before seen in a horror game, which I strongly believe not only horror game enthusiast will love, but also the general type gamer.

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